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Privacy Policy


When you use PayParking we share your personal information with cloud and database service providers that securely store your information for access only by you. We also rely on a number of service providers to help us provide you with our services, which often requires us to share personal information.​


Personal identifiable information protection​


We believe that you should have the right to access and control your own personal information no matter where you live. We generally retain your personal information until you stop using the app in question and inform us that you would like your personal information to be deleted. If you would like to access or request that we delete your personal information, and you use any of the below services, please follow the instructions below:


  • If you use PayParking: Please submit a request below to receive instructions on how to request deletion of your information. 

  • If you receive newsletters or marketing from us: please click ‘Unsubscribe’ from the bottom of those emails

  • For all other services, please submit a data subject request through our submission portal.



SMS Text Marketing and Notifications​


By entering your phone number in our application services on PayParking or subscribing via our subscription form, you agree that we may send you text notifications (for your order, including abandoned cart reminders or customer action alerts) and text marketing offers. You acknowledge that consent is not a condition for any purchase.

If you wish to unsubscribe from receiving text marketing messages and notifications reply with STOP to any mobile message sent from us or use the unsubscribe link we provided you within any of our messages. You understand and agree that alternative methods of opting out, such as using alternative words or requests will not be accounted as a reasonable means of opting out. Message and data rates may apply.
For any questions please text HELP to the number you received the messages from. You can also contact us for more information. If you wish to opt out please follow the procedures above.


Please keep in mind that after we anonymize your information, we will continue to use aggregated non-identifiable information to improve our services. Finally, we do not and will not “sell” your personal information, as that term is used in California law.

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